The recent chain of events has digitalized business operations throughout the world. Businesses are extensively leveraging digital marketing strategies to run their commercial ventures. However, digital marketing strategies keep evolving every year. It does not matter whether you are a…
Changing Customer Expectations from Shops in India
In India, there is a rapid change in the customer expectations from shops/businesses, post-pandemic. It would be appropriate to throw light on some of the important aspects of the topic at hand. Several surveys have pointed out that well over…
Post-pandemic customer behavior changes for shops
Pandemic has drawn a line on the calendar – you will always identify the period as pre and post covid. The entire economy was disrupted, thus leaving big and small businesses crippling. From operations to customer behavior – everything is…
Small Retailers most and least affected by Pandemic in India
Covid – a mere respiratory infection almost jolted the entire world. The reality is that millions of people lost their lives, businesses shut down, the global economy collapsed, and even after two years, recovery is still at an all-time slow…
3rd Party Ad Server Benefits
The 3rd party ad server functions as a web server used for hosting ads. It can be used by the publisher for delivering the adverts directly on mobiles and websites. These 3rd party ad servers make it possible for publishers…
Ideas To Introduce In Shops For Faster And More Efficient Customer Service
The patience span of human beings is reducing every day – customers want quicker and better access to all the products. You cannot attend to all the buyers with limited staff or during those busy days where the queue trails…
How To Reduce The Waiting Time Of Customers And Serve Them Better?
With the pandemic hitting and creating new challenges for stores it is becoming difficult to serve customers instantly. There are two types of buyers the loyal ones, who are repeat buyers and know the aisle making the shopping spree quick.…