In the earlier articles, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of good branded PCs and assembled PCs built with quality components. Here, we will examine assembled PCs. Specifically, assembled PCs built using components that are lower than standard quality. Assembled…
Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 2
In the earlier article, we have reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of good branded PCs. In this article, we will examine assembled PCs. Specifically, advantages and disadvantages of assembled PCs. Also, separately we will look at the cost/benefit comparison of…
Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 1
The effective use of computer technologies is one of the main factors that influences success and survival of businesses, especially SMEs. But when small or medium business owners decide to buy a computer for their business purposes, they often struggle…
MSMEs-Being Major Contributors, Struggling to Survive and Sustain
The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises generally are the main source of economic growth in many countries. The MSMEs provide higher employment and major share of industrial production and exports belongs to them. Coming to India, MSMEs play a very…
Government Owned Business in India
Navratna was the title given originally to nine Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) companies, identified by the Government of India in 1997 as its crown jewels or the most prestigious PSUs, which gave them greater autonomy, comparative advantages, and to support…
Micro – Franchising in India
In our country, more than 24 crore people are living below poverty line. The reason may be low income, lack of investment capability, and lack of commercial approach. To change their lives Micro-credit is being provided to them to become…
Financial Source To MSEs In India
Self-employment is one way of attacking poverty and solving the problems of unemployment by the poor people. Having a great business idea is not sufficient; to implement that idea one must need capital to set up business and to execute…