Category: IT Made Easy

Helpful tips and information on computers, hardware and software purchase, PC security, etc. for professional small and micro businesses in India

Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 3

In the earlier articles, we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of good branded PCs and assembled PCs built with quality components. Here, we will examine assembled PCs. Specifically, assembled PCs built using components that are lower than standard quality. Assembled…

Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 2

In the earlier article, we have reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of good branded PCs. In this article, we will examine assembled PCs. Specifically, advantages and disadvantages of assembled PCs. Also, separately we will look at the cost/benefit comparison of…

Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 1

The effective use of computer technologies is one of the main factors that influences success and survival of businesses, especially SMEs. But when small or medium business owners decide to buy a computer for their business purposes, they often struggle…