Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 2

In the earlier article, we have reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of good branded PCs. In this article, we will examine assembled PCs. Specifically, advantages and disadvantages of assembled PCs. Also, separately we will look at the cost/benefit comparison of buying an assembled PC with high quality, good branded components and a good branded PC.

Assembled PCs Have Their Own Advantages and Disadvantages
An assembled computer is the one where you buy all the components of a computer separately and assemble them on your own or with the help of a technician. You will have the option of choosing hardware parts and peripherals of various good brands that you like. For example: Intel processor, Asus mother board, Seagate Hard disk, Sony DVD drive, Samsung monitor and Logitech mouse and Keyboard etc.

Advantages of assembled PC:

  • You can customize your own configuration
  • You can choose best of the breed components
  • Each component has its own warranty period (Ex: Intel processor-3 years, Hitachi hard disk-5 years, Samsung monitor-3 years, Logitech keyboard and mouse-1 year etc.)
  • You can select the components which are easy to upgrade in the future
  • You can buy a perfect PC for your requirement and generally at a low budget
  • You need not pay for unwanted or costly components, packed in a branded computer which you may not use

Disadvantages of assembled PC:

  • Poor service support
  • You need to be aware of the good branded components as there are many unbranded or second grade components in the market
  • Compatibility issues between the parts used to assemble the PC may be seen.
  • Many of the assembled PC retailers are not reliable. On integrity, technical expertise and ethical business practices. Finding a good retailer is not easy.

Assembled PC with components from good brands are especially cost effective with high-end PCs and starting servers. In such areas, the price difference between a big brand PC and an assembled PC with good branded components could be between 40 to 80 percent.

If you have some basic hardware knowledge and prefer to upgrade the hardware frequently, then an assembled PC with good branded components is the right choice.

<< Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 1

Branded Vs Assembled PC Purchase for SMEs – Part 3 >>